
Dear Members and friends

Please can you help raise money for our club.

At the moment we have no income from the nursery, pitch or hall hire or the bar.  We have not been able to hold tournaments or our Fun in the Forest tournamnent.

Easy Fundraising is one initiative which may help and avoid the need for an increase in membership fees.

Easy Fundraising is a simple way for members and friends of Old Loughtonians Hockey Club to raise money while shopping. All you have to do is register and you can start raising money when you buy your weekly shop or even your annual holiday.  There are over 4,000 shops and sites ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny yourselves to raise funds. You can raise money in lockdown buying online from Amazon or buying your groceries at Sainsbury's.

All you need to do is:

1. Go to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/oldloughtonianshockey/?utm_campaign=raise-more   and join for free. There is also an app you can put on your phone  https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/raisemore/fundraising-campaigns/marketing-campaigns/app.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Old Loughtonians Hockey Club at no cost to you whatsoever! There are no catches or hidden charges and all members Old Loughtonians Hockey Club will benefit from any donations.

Please watch this video for more information.


We know of one club with only 70 members which has already raised nearly £4,000.  Just think what we could do with over 600 members.

Thank you for your support.

Any questions please contact Jamie at funding@oldloughtonians.co.uk

Join our club

Contact us today if you are interested in finding out more about the Academy. 

Get in touch

Management Committee

Justin Fox
Justin Fox


Simon Beckley

Men's Club Captain

To be Agreed
To be Agreed

Finance officer

Sponsors Area

© 2015 - 2025 Old Loughtonians Hockey Academy. All rights reserved.

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Could you sponsor or support Old Loughtonians Hockey Club?

It is important that the club continues to attract additional support and sponsorship. We welcome all levels of support (including another major sponsor alongside the Higgins Group) and potential bespoke packages are available to interested parties. Support and sponsorship can range from pitchside boards (on either of our pitches) to individual team deals. We welcome local sponsors in particular as well as national and international sponsors especially those with an interest in hockey.

Members introducing sponsors to the club (or sponsoring players or the club themselves) will benefit from free annual membership themselves. Please contact our chairman (chairperson@oldloughtonians.co.uk) or the club office (olhc@oldloughtonians.co.uk) for more information or with any proposal.

If you wish to withdraw consent from Old Loughtonians Hockey Club Limited holding your personal data please email jtw7010@gmail.com requesting your data be removed from the site. However, this will only be possible if you cease your membership.

In addition, if you wish to exercise your right to be forgotten please click here

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Details of Data Controller are

Name: John Wright

Email: jtw7010@gmail.com