EH Governance proposals
Posted by Peter Kempe on 27 January 2020
On 6 February 2020 Old Loughts will host a meeting at Luxborough Lane to discuss the implications of the England Hockey proposals on regulation and structure. The meeting will start at 7.00pm and will include a presentation by Charlie Farrow of England Hockey.
All Essex and local East clubs are invited.
These proposals will have a far reaching and long lasting impact on hockey generally and how and where it is played locally.
The club supports the proposals insofar as they relate to the standardisation of league rules and regulations but (in common with other local clubs) has concerns regarding the replacement of the 5 Regional and County structures with 8 smaller Area and sub-area structures and the viability of smaller pools of clubs and teams to play against especially if some local clubs will play in a new Greater London Area whilst other local clubs will stay in the East leagues.
The club is also concerned by the lack of specific facts as to how the proposals will be implemented with the majority of the work to finalise the proposals being left until after clubs have voted.
The meeting is an opportunity for all local clubs to hear what EH is proposing in more detail and to ask any questions they may have and an opportunity to consider collectively what would work best for local clubs and their members as a whole.